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Oneday tours, offers the best travel experiences for all school levels: Elementary, Middle School, High School and University.

We are proud to provide the graduates the journey of their dreams, always aiming to make of it something unforgettable.

Each group has different needs, tastes and preferences, so we make the journeys according to each group´s personality. We made our suggestions based on the requirementes of the gruop that is traveling, so they can choose between different hotels, discos, parks, and places to visit. We will always advice and support the group. We will always look out for the budget, regardless of the number of people and dates. We will always  exceed the group´s expectations of fun.

We offer the best experiences of  travel, no matter their nature: educational,  adventure, cultural, sport and celebration:

  • Adventure
  • Sport Tournaments
  • College congresses
  • Senior trips

Our desire is to ensure that your travel is the most comfortable, safe and fun, either if you are student, graduate or teacher.

Oneday tours is "Your best option for fun"